Tengu-Publishing Wolfgang Ettig
Verlag Wolfgang Ettig
Leiweg 22
D-61389 Schmitten/Ts.
Fon: +49 (60 84) 95 98 99
Yoshinaka beats the tengu

This reprint shows Kiso Komawaka-maru Yoshinaka (The 50th noble heroe from Suiko-den). Later, Yoshinaka got the nickname "General of the rising sun". He was Yoshitsune's uncle. Here, he is grapping the long nose of the leader of the tengus and beats up the apprentices of the tengus in the mountains of Kiso.

Artist: Yoshitoshi Taiso (1839-1892)
Date: The original is from about 1866.
Signature: Ikkai Yoshitoshi hitsu
Publisher: Omiya Kyujiro
Printing format: Chuban 17,5 x 24,0 cm (Height x Width)
Reprint sheet: Chuban on DIN A4, 200 gram paper.

Article no.: 70057
approx. 200 grams
Quantity:  St
4.90 €
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